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Model development#

Train models#

  1. Install dependencies: poetry install (CUDA 11.1 is supported out-of-the-box)
  2. Run poetry run pip install -U pip setuptools wheel if these packages are missing or not uptodate
  3. Activate the virtual environment poetry shell
  4. Fetch datafiles: spacy project assets
  5. Build all the models: spacy project run all

Fine-tune the models#

Hyperparameters of the underlying models can be fine-tuned using Weights&Biases: wandb sweep with one of the sweep_*.yml config file.

Publish models#

  1. Make sure dependencies are up-to-date: poetry update
  2. Bump version: bumpversion --new-version x.x.x major/micro/patch --verbose
  3. Build the model as described in the previous section
  4. Publish the new model to Hugging Face Hub: poetry run spacy project run publish (must be executed in the model's directory)